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We bring work to the Thursday Workshop to help us improve.

We create poetry, prose, fact, fiction 

humour, adventure, history, romance, the supernatural, science fiction 

for adults and children.

Once every two years or so we publish an anthology - all the best of our work.

To read a selection of work, click on a name. To return to this list, click

the home symbol        at the top of any page.

Our 2024 anthology, Light & Dark, is an entertaining and varied  collectionof poetry and prose by 18 of our authors, including ther much missed Anne  Neuhaus, in whose memory this edition was dedicated. 

Available from Members at just £5.00

*Read Hazel Taylor's charming novella 'Safe, within the stones' free, by clicking here

© All work shown on Showcase pages is Copyright, and may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the author or publisher..

Opinions and beliefs expressed are those of the writer, and are not necessarily those of  Harlow Writers Workshop as a whole.

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